This Kyler Murray card is under valued!

This Kyler Murray card is under valued!

Betting Kings uses AI and unique data to uncover hidden liquidity in alternative assets. We scour markets around the world to find the most profitable alternative assets for our members. We like these trading cards! They just missed our members vault. Revolutionizing the Way You Invest!

We have our eye on these Rookie Cards!

We have our eye on these Rookie Cards!

Betting Kings uses AI and unique data to uncover hidden liquidity in alternative assets. We scour markets around the world to find the most profitable alternative assets for our members. We like this alternative asset! It just missed our members vault. Revolutionizing the Way You Invest!

Why we are betting on sports cards

Why we are betting on sports cards

Why we’re betting on sports cards. More than 4 million sports, trading card games, and entertainment cards were sold on eBay in 2020 – 142% increase year over year. Records of all kinds were broken last year. The market for sports cards is on the rise. This asset class isn’t going anywhere. We are betting that it will continue to be profitable for the next 3-5 years.

From Arcades to Blockchain

From Arcades to Blockchain

You’ve probably heard of Street Fighter, one of the highest-grossing video game franchises of all time. Created by Capcom, Street Fighter debuted in arcades in 1987 and is now coming to blockchain for the first time.

Super Bowl Sunday!

Super Bowl Sunday!

Betting Kings uses AI and unique data to uncover hidden liquidity in alternative assets. We scour markets around the world to find the most profitable alternative assets for our members. We like this alternative asset! It just missed our members vault. Revolutionizing the Way You Invest!

Flip This Zion Rookie Card!

Flip This Zion Rookie Card!

Betting Kings uses AI and unique data to uncover hidden liquidity in alternative assets. We scour markets around the world to find the most profitable alternative assets for our members. We like this alternative asset! It just missed our members vault. Revolutionizing the Way You Invest!